Pink Eye/ Red eye

Dr sadia ayaz
3 min readOct 7, 2021


Pink eye can be one of the most early manifestation of eye disease. It can present with many other symptoms.

Painless Red/Pink Eye: Painful Red Eye:

1. Allergic conjunctivitis. 1. viral keratitis

2. Dry Eye. 2. Bacterial Keratitis

3. Blepharitis. 3. Fungal Keratitis

4. Viral conjunctivitis. 4. Scleritis.

5. Bactarial conjunctivitis. 5. Glaucoma.

6. Blocked nasolacrimal duct. 6. Uveitis.

7. Subconjunctival hemorrhages. 7. Entropion

8. Contact lens.

Pink/Red eye can be divided into painless and painful conditions the painless conditions are benign in nature while painful conditions can lead to blinding state.

1. Allergic Conjunctivitis:

Some people are predisposed to certain avergens that can start an allergic reaction leading to redness, swelling and watering of eyes. This can be a seasonal state associated to avergens like pollens, dust, any type of food like nuts or contact with makeup products or skin lotions.

Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with topical steroids and ant-histamines.

2. Dry eye:

Patients with dry eye can present with burning, foreign body sensation, redness in eye and teeling of dryness. Dry eye is caused due to iradequate tear production other causes are increased screen time that leads to reduced blinking time and also fatigubility of ocular muscles, speedy fans or reduced humidity in the environment.

Dry eye can be treated with life style modification that includes following 20/20/20 rule to provide comfort to eye, artificial tears usage and avoiding speedy fans and air conditioners and adding humidifier to the room.

3. Blaphritis:

Blaphritis can be a cause of redness in eyes. It is caused by bacterias invading the eye lid margins and its glands. It can present with sticky discharge and itching of the lid margins.

Treat involves keeping good eyelid hygiene by thoroughly washing the lids with eye friendly shampoo like Johnson baby shampoo. If the condition does not subside, the health care provider will prescribe topical anti-biotic eye drops and anti-biotic ointments.

4. Viral Conjunctivitis:

The patient presents with red conjunctiva and watering with mucoid discharge. It is infective in nature and can be transmitted from person to person proper hygiene should be maintained by patient’s treatment involves topical steroids.

5. Bacterial Conjuntivitis:

The patients present with beefy red redness in the eyes with mucopurulent discharge. It is also infective disease and proper hygiene should be maintained.

Treatment involves topical anti-biotic.

6. Blocked Nasolacrimal Duct:

The normal passage of tears may be blocked due to different causes and can be at any level of the nasolacrimal duct.

Constant watering from eye may lead to swelling on medial side of the eye and conjunctival and eyelid involvement.

The patient needs to seek medical professional help in order to open the duct accordingly.

7. Subconjunctival Hemorrhage:

It is a benign condition that can be caused by extensive rubbing of the eye or associated viral or allergic condition. It can also occur in hypertensive patients. The bleed subsides on it’s on, over the counter topical Steroids can also be advised by your health professional.

8. Contact lens users:

Unhygiene methods when followed during contact lens wear can cause infection to which manifest as pink eye. If tap water is used for lens wash or applied with unclean hands can be a source of blinding organisms.

As well as the preservative used in contact lens solution and cause toxic reaction to the eye surface.

Treatment lies in cessation of contact lens use and seeking help of a health care provider.

9. Painful Red Eye:

Bacterial fungal and viral keratitis are caused by any trauma to the eye with stick. Leaf or finger nail. It can damage the outer surface of the eye i.e. cornea and can implant organisms to cause painful red eye.

Other diseases like scleritis, Glaucoma and uveitis are also painful conditions which can present initially with ain and redness in the in dark environment or can be associated with decrease in vision like uveites and glaucoma these diseases need urgent help to stop the progression at early stage.



Dr sadia ayaz
Dr sadia ayaz

Written by Dr sadia ayaz

My name is Dr. Sadia Ayaz and I am an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon. My medical degree is from KMU.i also write articles bout Eye Diseases on

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